The Science of Fung Shui

Fung Shui is an ancient Chinese art that relies on scientific calculations to balance the chi in your home for a more positive space. There are a few key elements to understand when redecorating with respect to Fung Shui. Commanding Positions The commanding positions in your home refer to the most important furniture pieces in…

How More Glass Benefits Your Space

Modern designs often feature open, airy spaces that encourage movement and natural light. Whether in a home or a business location, glass doors, walls, ceilings, and fixtures can benefit the space in a number of ways. Here are a number of reasons why you should include more glass in your current or future remodel: Glass…

The Benefits of Redecorating Every Once in a While

Since our home is our sanctuary, it is important that we absolutely love its interior. Of course, our décor can get old in just a few years since we look at it every single day. While most people associate high costs with doing a little renovation, redecorating doesn’t have to be a huge expense. Whether…