There are numerous ways to earn money as a comedian, whether you are just starting out or have an established following. If you are interested in new ways to earn a living as a comedian, check out this list. College Comedy Shows. Performing at college comedy shows can earn you between $800 and $3500 per…
Author: Rachel Whetzel
Cost of Managed IT Services
There are a number of different ways you can choose to pay for managed IT services, and the payment style will affect the price of the services. Monitoring only will be one of the cheaper methods of managed IT services, since it works on a tier system to give your business exactly the level of…
What to Expect to Eat in Space
As civilian space travel becomes more and more of a reality, the question of what you’ll be eating in space is a popular one. Before booking a trip to space, check out the advice below so you can prepare your eating habits, body, and taste buds beforehand. There are quite a few things about eating…
What to Expect in College
The transition from high school to college is often one of the most difficult ones a person will experience in their lifetime, at least from an academic standpoint. There are a lot of new experiences and expectations that every new student will need to be aware of. Class Sizes Your first day at college will…
What is Botox?
Botox is a brand-name version of a Clostridium botulinum toxin. Other brand names include Dysport and Xeomin, but Botox is the most common. Botox injections are primarily thought of as the way people with money get rid of their wrinkles and reduce the overall appearance of aging on their face, and sometimes even other areas…
Targeting Foreclosure Properties for Investment
The first thing you need to know about targeting foreclosure properties for investment is that it is not a good suggestion for amateurs. It is best you have experience in real estate or at least a qualified team behind you to help you make the right decisions. Let’s get into some specifics. Foreclosure properties have…
Benefits of Using a Courier for Sensitive Item Deliveries
Courier services are invaluable for sensitive item deliveries. Luckily for you, couriers are actually quite affordable. There are multiple benefits to hiring a courier to deliver your sensitive items; whether they are time-sensitive, contain delicate items, or contain sensitive information that needs to be protected, a courier service is the way to go. Courier services…
What is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a dentistry procedure that can help save your natural tooth from deep infection. This procedure can also help prevent reinfection in the future. To explain the procedure in simple terms, the inflamed/infected pulp is removed from deep in your tooth, and then the areas is cleaned thoroughly and disinfected. After this,…
Vetting Your Custom Home Builder
There is no more important task than vetting your custom home builder. If you want your home built correctly, safely, on time, and on budget, you need to ensure that the company you hire to build the home is actually a reputable one. There are many red flags to watch out for, and things to…
How to Become an At-Home Nurse
At-home nursing can be one of the most rewarding but demanding careers for any nurse. No matter the experience level, each client an at-home nurse cares for will offer their own unique challenges and demands. The relationships you build with these clients are what make the job great. There are a few steps an individual…