There are numerous ways to earn money as a comedian, whether you are just starting out or have an established following. If you are interested in new ways to earn a living as a comedian, check out this list.
- College Comedy Shows. Performing at college comedy shows can earn you between $800 and $3500 per show. There are lots of colleges out there and you can perform multiple nights in a row, so this is an awesome way to make some cash pretty quickly.
- Do Fundraiser Comedy Shows. These shows are a great way to improve your image, get exposure, and make some money all at the same time. You could earn between $600 and $2500 per event, so the pay is nothing to laugh at (pun intended).
- Corporate Events. Performing at corporate events can earn you between $500 and $4000 per gig, depending on the size of the company and the length of the show. These events happen quite frequently too, so if you do a good job, you could earn yourself some referrals and repeat clients.
- Work Cruise Ships. If your dream is to travel the world and make money doing it, working on cruise ships is one of the best ways to do it. This will earn you $1500 to $4000 per week, and it is a more reliable job than many other avenues.
- TV-Show Warm Up. Every TV show filmed live will have a comedian on hand to warm up the crowd before filming begins. If you go this route, you’ll be making between $1500 and $2000 per gig. This is another way to really elevate your exposure as well.
- Become a Writer. Comedy writers are essential to talk shows, late night tv, and regular network programs. This will earn you a minimum of $4200 per week, and is incredibly reliable. If you are talented enough, this could be your main source of income.
No matter which road you take to earn a living as a comedian, whether it is one of the above avenues or another, you will certainly enjoy every step of the way.