Choosing the Right Type of Headstone

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Choosing a headstone is an important step when planning a memorial, but after the passing of a loved one, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to proceed. To choose the best headstone, follow these tips.

Investigate the Rules and Regulations

Every cemetery is going to have a standardized set of rules and regulations for headstone size, design, and more. It is important to talk to someone at your chosen cemetery about your headstone design so there won’t be any problems on the day of installation. After all, this is a time to be remembering your loved one, not fighting over regulations.

Set a Budget

While we would all love to spend as much money as needed to give our deceased loved ones the right kind of memorial, it is unrealistic. It’s important to set a budget before you start the search for the perfect headstone because it will affect the size, material, and stylistic elements that can be included in the design.

Choose the Right Material and Design

Choosing a material and design for a headstone is often the most difficult part. There are many materials that are used for headstones, and then you also have to think about choosing the right size, shape, inscription style/placement/content, and finish for the headstone. These decisions are best made with other members of the immediate family, so you can work together to design a headstone that accurately reflects the life your loved one lived, and also one that lets you feel as though you’ve given your loved one the proper goodbye.

Select a Reputable Builder

There are many qualified and experienced memorial builders that you can choose from, so the most important things to think about when making this choice are how much you like the work that they’ve done previously, whether they can accommodate your design choices, and if they make you feel valued and understood in your time of mourning.

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For all your headstone needs, get in touch with Edmonton Granite Memorials.